Thursday, November 20, 2008

Assuring the Insurers

It was reported today in the New York Times that a number of large health insurance groups have signalled possible cooperation with President-elect Obama's call for universal insurance, as long as obtaining health insurance becomes mandatory for everyone...

Of course we'd love to help the health insurance industry...the industry that has made their product so expensive and/or denied care to so many that almost 50,000,000 Americans go without health the spouse of a patient that we heard about today. Nice couple with a small child. Unfortunately, the spouse had the misfortune of being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and has been going to expensive neurology appointments, and receiving expensive treatments, paying out of pocket, until recently when they found that they couldn't afford the cost of having both a small child and an expensive medical problem. So, they made the logical choice. Who could argue? Children, of course, come first. I guess they can put off the medical care until their child grows up, as long as they don't want to go to college, that is.

So, it only makes sense that with the great job that health insurance has done so far, of course we should place all of our health care eggs in their basket, even make purchasing health insurance mandatory. That way, every American would have the opportunity to pay insurance premiums that increase at three to four times the annual rate of inflation, or the opportunity to pay thousands of dollars in deductibles before they actually get any care paid for by their insurer, or the ultimate have their claim arbitrarily denied when they need help the most.

I apologize if my sarcasm regarding the health insurance industry isn't clearly evident in my writing, but I'm new to blogging and I'm working on my writing chops. But to use a simile to make myself more clear, giving the health insurance industry more control over health care seems a little like the Roadrunner allowing Wile E. Coyote to make his dinner plans for him.


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